Suntide Page 1

Suntide Chapter 1

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Suntide is a story I was working on as my own headcanon for what happened with Agent 8 after the ending of Octo Expansion. I've only made 3 pages at the time of writing this, with only 2 of those being released to the public. The story was meant to address weaknesses, flaws, trauma, all sorts of things that hold us down in our lives, but it became a bit too much effort for me to draw and quickly overwhelmed me.

Suntide Page 1

Suntide Chapter 1

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The inkling seen on this page is my Agent 4! They are absolutely terrified of chargers, though they try to hide it. There was originally going to be a couple pages between chapters that gave little character details! The outfit chosen by Suntide also happens to be my preferred gear from Splatoon 2!